Actual footage of Orphanage adventure from Incognito escape rooms in Dublin, Ireland
Newly open Orphanage adventure from Incognito escape rooms in Dublin, Ireland
Title of Orphanage adventure from Incognito escape rooms in Dublin, Ireland
Explore the ruins of an abandoned orphanage but be careful.. You’re not alone! Can you survive the night or will you become the next lost soul haunting the halls?
Location 2 - Old Dublin Wall

Orphanage Escape Room: Scariest Adventure In Dublin

Actual video of Orphanage escape room from Incognito escape rooms from Dublin, Ireland

What is this game about?

Adventures Orphanage backstory by Incognito escape room Dublin, Ireland


Nestled in the English countryside lies the charred remains of Wraithwood Orphanage. Locals whisper of odd noises and sightings over the years but after being named as the sole inheritor of the property you’re determined to investigate it for yourself. After all, ghosts aren’t real…
Adventures Orphanage scene by Incognito escape room Dublin, Ireland


You wander into the decrepit halls of the estate when suddenly the door slams shut behind you. The darkness seeps in, the noises grow louder, you feel an ominous presence. As the voices swell you realize you have only two choices, play their games or remain there forever.
Adventures Orphanage mission by Incognito escape room Dublin, Ireland


Avoid the dark, do as they say or face the wrath of the spirits trapped inside. The children offer you their help but the vengeful spirit of the nun lurks around every corner. Can you trust them or is this all part of their game?


review stars image
review stars image
Since it's a new game we don't have any official ones but test games are saying it's going to be a huge hit!

Frequently asked questions

  • Is this game scary?
    Yes! Orphanage is a next generation horror game and a completely unique experience in Dublin. There will be dim lighting, enclosed spaces, jump scares, and a suspenseful atmosphere. If you love a good scare, this is for you!
  • Is the game suitable for children?
    As this is a horror experience it could be a bit overwhelming for small children. Instead we would recommend our Kings Quest room which is great fun for birthday parties & school outings. It is a great activity for children to do!
  • Is the game suitable for pregnant people/those with epilepsy/mobility issues?
    As it is a horror game it contains loud noises, small spaces, jump scares and flashing lights. It is up to you to determine whether you think you are capable. We try to make our escape rooms as accessible as possible however there are doorways & tight walkways which may make it difficult for wheelchair users depending on the size.
  • Do I need to know anything in advance to solve the puzzles?
    Nope everything you need to solve the puzzles is already inside the room. You just need to bring your brains, your communication skills and a desire to explore!s
Experience this game from 28€ per person!